Who Can Have Earwax Impaction?
Children often have earwax impaction due to frequent respiratory illnesses and colds, but this problem also occurs in teenagers and adults. Exposure to the dirty water in a swimming pool or from pollutants in the air can lead to an infection in the ear, and your ear will manufacture earwax to rinse away the contamination. Senior citizens often develop earwax buildup as part of the natural aging process and hormonal changes.
Can You Use Store-bought Drops for Earwax Impaction?
Occasionally, your ears will contain too much earwax, leading to impaction that makes it difficult to hear or that can cause pain inside the ear as the cerumen presses against the inner components of the ear. Do not try to use homemade remedies to eliminate this excess earwax because it can lead to serious damage. It is better to use special drops that you can buy at online and local drugstores, or you can request a prescription for the drops.
Use the Guidelines That Are On the Package of Drops
Make sure to use the drops as recommended on the product’s label to avoid any complications. This type of medication works by softening the earwax so that it begins to drip from the ear canal. You can place a cotton ball in the outer ear to capture the earwax that may have a clear, yellow, or brown color. If you have impacted earwax, then repeat applications of the drops is okay, but if you have any discomfort from the medication, then stop using it before visiting an urgent care center.
What Are the Symptoms from Earwax Impaction?
There are additional symptoms from earwax impaction that include:
- Chronic earaches
- Reduced hearing acuity
- Ringing in the ears
- Additional infection
- Dizziness
- Fever
- Feeling of stuffiness in the ear
What Can Cause Earwax Impaction?
An earwax impaction may occur after having a sinus infection, cold, or influenza. Your ear may produce extra wax to get rid of debris such as dust or insects that are in the ear canal. A physician has the proper equipment to irrigate your ears professionally, or you may receive antibiotics for an ear infection. If the inner components of your ear are damaged, then you may need surgery or additional treatments from an ear, nose, and throat specialist.
Come into WellCare
WellCare Urgent Care in Grand Rapids has a great team of highly-skilled physicians who can help you get rid of earwax impaction. Contact our urgent care center to learn more about earwax impaction treatments. You can schedule a same-day appointment at our Cascade and Leonard offices to get relief.