2020 will go down as the year that changed a lot of things fundamentally. Shifting from populous parties and gatherings to six-feet-apart live conversations, from physical office appearances to juggling home activities with work, we can look forward to 2021. This year marks the transition, whether it be co-existing with the new normalcy or maneuvering around the old ways. But with Covid-19 vaccines rolling out and increased testing, we have a clearer picture of what the future holds.
Dr. Fauci, who is at the frontline of mitigating the virus, told CNBC’s Meg Tirrell that he is optimistic that children will start feeling comfortable in school. People will resume going to theatres, and restaurants will open indoor dining soon enough. He stated that this is highly dependent on people continuing with practicing the pre-set public health measures and specific vaccinations of up to 80% of the population to help achieve herd immunity.
Dr. Jose Romero, chair of CDC’s Advisory Committee for Immunization, stated that young adults and adults would receive the first batch of vaccination with kids coming in by the end of the year. In the same interview on MSNBC, Dr. Romero pointed out that currently, there is no data on how pregnant women react to the vaccine. He said that there are plans to carry out more studies and offer guidance on the reviewed set trials. The unprecedented move of coming up with a vaccine in less than 15 months hastens the process of getting back to normalcy. The following is what to expect as the year goes by.
1.Physical Office Appearances
When to expect it: By the 2nd quarter of 2021
We are not against zoom meetings and conferences, but office environments can contribute to employees’ productivity. However, the timing of this transition is entirely up to the people themselves. Dr. Fauci looks forward to achieving herd immunity by rolling out the current vaccines. He told Wall Street Journal on December 8 that it will be a slow fade as people might still need to wear masks and keep a social distance.
2. Going to Theatres without a Mask
When to expect it: by the end of 2021
Dr. Fauci told NBC New York on December 1 that going to the movies without masks is feasible but can only account that for the possibility of reaching the country’s herd immunity by then.
3. Safely Eating Out
When to expect it: Fall of 2021
There is that thrill of eating out, enjoying the city’s buzz or the restaurant’s charm. On the other hand, bars do not offer social distancing, and yes, there is no fun in dancing alone. These places might take a longer time to resume normal operations without restrictions, but it is not entirely impossible. The herd immunity index is what we are all waiting for, Dr. Fauci told CNBC’s ‘Healthy Returns” on Dec 16.
Hosting big parties, weddings, traveling safely and without restrictions are all conceivable feats. Letting the health practitioners do their part in administering vaccines as we do ours. Maintaining public health measures is one step toward getting closer to what we used to call life.
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