Why Should You Get the Flu Shot This Season?

It’s common for people to skip out on getting their flu shots, but this is ill-advised for a number of reasons. The flu season typically runs from October through March but has been known to extend to May. Make it a priority to get the flu shot this season for the following reasons.

The flu shot is suitable for everyone

Those older than six months of age can get the flu shot. There is also a specific flu vaccine for those over 65 years of age to provide additional protection. In the rare cases where a flu shot is not suitable, consult with your doctor to determine another course of protection.

It cuts down your sick time and could save your life

The 2018-2019 flu season was milder than the 2017-2018 flu season, which was the worst in recent history. During the 2017-2018 flu season, 900,000 people were hospitalized and 80,000 people died from flu-related complications. On average, 30,000 Americans die from the flu annually. That number of deaths is astronomical considering there is a vaccine available that can save your life. Even if you get the flu (which can happen after receiving the flu vaccine), the severity and duration will be less simply because you had the vaccine.

The vaccine has minimal side effects

Aside from tenderness in the arm where you receive the vaccine, the side effects are usually minimal and may include a headache, stuffy nose, or sore throat. Some people maintain the belief that the flu shot can cause you to get the flu. This is a myth. It is possible to have mild, flu-like symptoms after receiving the vaccine; however, these should dissipate quickly.

If you are needle-averse, there is an alternative

People between the age of 2 and 49 can receive the flu shot via a nasal spray. This may be especially beneficial for children who get anxious about vaccines administered by needle.

When to get the flu shot

The timing and frequency of the flu shot are usually questioned. It is safe and necessary to get the flu shot annually. The vaccine is different each year because it is formulated to target the specific strain of the flu virus that is predicted to be the most severe for that given year. People also believe that by the time they hear about the flu outbreak on the news, it is too late to get the flu vaccine. That is simply not true. Earlier is better, so getting it in October is best, but it is not too late even in January. It takes two weeks after receiving the vaccine for your body to build up the protective antibodies to combat the flu virus.

In case you needed another good reason to get vaccinated as soon as possible, here it is: one indicator of the severity of the 2019-2020 US flu season comes from Australia where flu season runs from June to September and peaks in August. The 2019 Australian flu season was one of the worst on record. Stop by wellcareurgentcare.com today for your flu vaccine.